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Showing posts from September, 2020

Bottoms Up: Pros and Cons For Your Pond

  When you decide to build a pond on your property or overhaul an existing one, every choice is ultimately yours.  While you can get advice and premium service from a pond building and maintenance company, peers and online forums, what you do and how you execute it are completely up to you.  A popular question is what to do with the bottom of your pond. Keep in mind that this question usually doesn't apply to natural ponds since nature itself has figured that all out.  For those who build and maintain ponds in their backyards or on property, it's valid to know what might be better for you.   Many pond owners want a more natural look and choose to put rock and/or gravel on the bottom.   Pros:  rocks and gravel provide a unique, layered medium for aquatic plants to grow their roots creates a biological system for beneficial bacteria to break down sludge makes a pond look less manufactured and more real - as if it was in your backyard all along Cons: more difficult to clean - alga

The Power Of Pond Netting

  As Fall Approaches, Install Pond Netting Across It To Keep Falling Leaves, Debris And Even Predators From Entering Your Water Features And Putting Your Pond Health At Risk! Autumn can be beautiful with the changing leaves but it's those very culprits that can put too much stress on your pond and harm your plants and fish.  Most ponds should have a net installed over the top to keep leaves and other organic debris out.  As leaves decompose, they disturb the water quality of your pond and can significantly harm the health of your fish and promote algae growth.  Always remember that an unbalanced pond affects everything in your ecosystem. Another reason for netting is to keep predators out.  Spring and fall are when local predators are most active.  Get to know which animals are most common in your area by contacting your local animal control or even your state fish and game department.  The most common backyard pond hunters are coyotes, bobcats, foxes and raccoons.  They are less l

What Kind Of Pond Do You Want?

You may not realize it but a pond isn't simply a pond. In fact, there are so many unique characteristics and features that can be constructed to bring your vision to life.  When you decide that a pond is perfect for your backyard oasis, the next step is to decide WHICH type of pond you're looking for.  Here are some different ponds you can design and build... Koi Pond - The most popular fish from Japan, koi are beautiful additions to any outdoor landscape.  These ponds need to be maintained and inspected regularly and built with the necessities for proper aeration and hibernation needs. Wildlife Pond - Wildlife pond are completely managed by nature.  They are typically built with no liner, pump, filter or chemicals.  They rely on rich and diverse plants to attract animals and keep the water high in oxygen.  Some creatures you can expect are frogs, insects and even salamanders.   Swimming Pond - You may be less about the wildlife and more about a place for your family to cool

How To Make Your Backyard Pond Look Amazing

  A backyard pond is already an amazing water feature to enhance your property, heighten your moods and a wonderful centerpiece for parties.  With its rich plant life, varied layers and relaxing water sounds, it can turn any backyard into a tranquil and engaging oasis.  An exciting aspect for pond owners is that you can add a few smaller features to make the water space even more beautiful, help the ecosystem thrive, increase the impressive nature of your property or all of the above.   Here are just a few ideas for simple features you can add... Water Wall - A stacked stone, or even layered, water wall can take blank space and make it exciting and unique. Fountains - Whether placed in another section of your property or directly in your pond, fountains add a relaxing ambiance. You can vary your theme and get sculpture based, artistic or simple fountain designs. Jets, Bubblers, Etc. - Playing off of the fountain idea, jets, bubblers and the sort can help aerate your pond while putting