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What Kind Of Pond Do You Want?

You may not realize it but a pond isn't simply a pond.

In fact, there are so many unique characteristics and features that can be constructed to bring your vision to life.  When you decide that a pond is perfect for your backyard oasis, the next step is to decide WHICH type of pond you're looking for.  Here are some different ponds you can design and build...

Koi Pond - The most popular fish from Japan, koi are beautiful additions to any outdoor landscape.  These ponds need to be maintained and inspected regularly and built with the necessities for proper aeration and hibernation needs.

Wildlife Pond - Wildlife pond are completely managed by nature.  They are typically built with no liner, pump, filter or chemicals.  They rely on rich and diverse plants to attract animals and keep the water high in oxygen.  Some creatures you can expect are frogs, insects and even salamanders.  

Swimming Pond - You may be less about the wildlife and more about a place for your family to cool off in extreme temps.  Noted as the "new and improved backyard pond", these are built to accommodate half vegetation and the other half for swimming.  There are many ways to design and build them, such as having one level full of aquatic plants to clean the water and have it trickle into a clear, clean swimming hole.  The point is to use plants to cleanse the water instead of chlorine and other chemicals.

Ornamental Pond - Usually built on the smaller side, ornamental ponds focus on providing a pleasing aesthetic to your property.  They have closed water circulation systems and are typically what one thinks of when deciding to build a backyard pond.  You can have ornamental koi ponds - combining the lush beauty and landscape with a few koi in the mix.

Mirror Pond - Also known as a reflection pond, these are popular in public parks, corporate campuses or memorial sites.  They consist of shallow water that is undisturbed, giving a reflective surface.  

Mini Pond - Mini ponds are just what they sound like - tiny, portable basins that can be moved and are ideal for the tiniest of spaces.  They are usually in decorative or colorful containers found in small gardens, balconies or terraces.  

The greatest factor in making your decision is the space and place you have to build in.  You may discover that your property can only accommodate a terrace pond instead of a swimming pond.  Keep in mind if you will be hitting roots or foundation when building and if it's in constant shade of a structure or will get the correct amount of sunlight each day.  With so many shapes, sizes and features to choose from, understanding what you want out of your pond is a great way to narrow down and make the best decision for your terrain.

If you would like more information on pond options or would like to consult with a specialist on your unique space and what options are best for you, contact our Laughing Waters Inc professionals at 708.586.2393.  You can even visit our website at


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