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Got Algae?

The most common problem with both residential and commercial ponds is algae growth or the accumulation of muck.  Your water being cloudy or dirty-looking can be a result of many different factors but, for a majority of pond owners, it is simply a breakdown of sludge that releases nutrients which tip the scales to create murkiness or algae blooms.  This is why regular maintenance, especially a proper Spring start up, are so crucial to the ecosystem of your water feature.

A Spring clean out is like a fresh start for your pond and allows for clearer water and better health for fish or aquatic plants.  Your pond should be drained and power washed annually to remove harmful buildup.  This is also the perfect time to check on aquatic plants and see what needs to be divided and re-potted, to check the soil and liner, fill gaps, adjust landscape, remove all debris and check all filter and plumbing systems.  All filter systems need to be thoroughly inspected, repaired and maintained in order to keep up with a healthy pond environment and stop issues before they have a chance to take hold.

Any pond lights you may have installed also needs to be checked and, at this point, you can even add additional lighting.

Refilling and starting the pond back up is a delicate task that requires removing chlorine, detoxifying heavy chemicals and carefully maintaining proper levels to help with re-acclimating fish if you have them.  It isn't as simple as placing the fish back in and crossing your fingers!  To ensure happy, healthy fish, they need the proper chemical balance and aeration from your water.  Be sure to give them time to adjust to their new environment.  Beneficial bacteria needs to be added back into your pond to replenish what was lost over the winter and boost biological filters to break down waste. 

Once this process is completed, with regular maintenance throughout the summer, you're well on your way to combating dark, murky water and keeping algae from overrunning your beautiful water feature!

If you find yourself short on time or the know-how to properly perform a clean out and keep up on routine maintenance throughout the summer, hire a local pond service to take care of it for you.  A pond maintenance company, such as Laughing Waters, are experts who specialize in the cleaning, care and repair of your water features.  With flexible scheduling and affordable prices, you can even book regular maintenance to upkeep your backyard treasure throughout the year.  This allows you to kick back and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your unique pond is in professional hands!

For more information on how Laughing Waters Pond Maintenance can help, call our specialists at 708.586.2393!


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