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Showing posts from February, 2020

What Kind Of Water Features Do We Maintain?

In a word, EVERYTHING ! Water features can range from the simple, such as pools and ponds, to the intricate, such as cascading waterfalls into koi ponds.  Based on your budget and space, you can have a large variety of beautiful aquatic landscapes built.  Whether you regularly use them or they simply add a conversation starter to your gatherings, how do you keep them looking gorgeous? This is where you would need a pond and water maintenance company like Laughing Waters! So, what kind of water features does Laughing Waters maintain? Ponds - One of the most common water features, we can handle all varieties of ponds.  Cleaning, filter systems, liners, trimming, repair - our maintenance pros can do it all.  Whether you have a natural pond, reflecting pool, ornamental pool, water garden or fish pond, there is a standard of upkeep that goes with them and we can help. Waterfalls and Water Walls - Another great feature is the waterfall.  Standard waterfall, pondless waterfal

Is Pond Maintenance REALLY Important?

A pond with water features can be a glamorous and truly relaxing edition to your backyard or even a statement in the office complex.  While it's beauty is hardly contested, is it true that it needs to be maintained or isn't that a natural course of nature? Actually, pond maintenance is CRITICAL for the health of your pond and any plants or fish that reside there.  Pond upkeep is definitely going to differ based on season, region, features or what biological life you have growing there.  Here are a few of the significant duties that need to be followed for proper pond care: FILTERS - Filters and media filters need to be cleaned and taken care of.  Some ponds have extensive cleaning systems that need extra care. CLEAN & CLEAR -  Dead leaves and foreign objects or debris need to be kept out of the pond so nothing will slow down water streams or clog important functions.  This includes the very bottom of the pond which can be hard to see and harder to manage.  Ke

Pond And Water Feature Services!

Welcome! Stay tuned for great content and information about pond and water feature maintenance and how Laughing Waters can help keep yours in premium condition! We're glad you're here!